Thursday, April 18, 2013

Birchwood Farms

We heard from Anna Kay of Birchwood Farms in Dover, NH.
It was so enjoyable speaking with Anna this morning about her family's farm and the plants she enjoys raising there. Of course part of the conversation was about the replacement handle for the Clarington Forge Rabbiting Spade that, when repaired will continue to be an extension of Anna's inner gardener.
At Birchwood Farms you will find a great selection of the finest Daylillies, Hostas and Peonies.
You will also get to know one the nicest gardeners around.

Agriculture Supported Community at The Rodale Institute

Rodale Institute
A road trip to the Rodale Institute in Kutztown, PA was inspirational as always. While there to demonstrate some tools and equipment I was inspired by Cynthia James and her ASC interns. (Agriculture Supported Community) One intern named Heather shared her inspiration to learn small scale farming techniques and implement a plan to help low income residents of the City of Philadelphia obtain healthy organically grown foods . The ASC farm model has the potential to bring together people from all social and economic backgrounds to help one another achieve a healthier lifestyle while building a better community.

 vegetable bed flamer                       Flame weeding carrot and beet beds at Rodale ASC farm 

Just as it has been for many generations, it is a great inspiration to see the art and techniques of farming continue to be passed on from one to another.
It's exciting to see the unfolding of great ideas in motion.
We're hoping to see great fruit harvested from agriculture supported community.

On the road home.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Planting potatos and onions using the broad fork

The garden soil has finally dried out enough to prepare some beds for the potatoes and onions due to some particularly hot early spring weather. While digging with the six tine broad, I was really struck by the fact that I never really got to that exhausted state we have all encountered when doing the really hard work of preparing the garden for planting.

Working at a comfortable pace we prepared two beds 30 inches wide by 26 feet long in about an hour and a half. The spacing between the beds in this section of the garden was made intentionally wide this year to allow for the potato vines to spread out into the path while giving our young children enough room to play comfortably without damaging the plants; so much,. You know dump trucks - excavators?